Archive for April, 2012

The beginning of the millennium is characterized by a growing awareness of the importance of the climatic changes on our future. From all sides, the scientists ring the alarm bell. UNESCO, Giec, the international summits of Rio, Johannesburg and Bali anticipate the worst for the coming century if we do not change our behaviour radically. The […]

IP-UPWARD Workshop


IP-UPWARD project represents an opportunity for Universities, public and private bodies to reach a qualified public of international level, giving a chance to share and exchange experiences and best practices for the changing of contemporary cities, with Urban Project’s tools.

To provide students with conceptual and technical tools making them able to deal with the interface between architecture design and urban planning;

To carry out a valuable experience in order to update the existing training curricula for architects and urban planners and set up a common educational framework that could integrate both careers.